Illinois Worker's Compensation
& Personal Injury Attorney

20 South Clark Street
Suite 700
Chicago, IL 60603
Phone: 312.263.6800
Fax:     312.263.6261


      Illinois State

     Bar Association

Worker's Compensation Injuries:    Personal Injuries: 

Slip and fall
Wrongful death
Office injury
Skin reaction or allergy

Slip and fall
Wrongful death

If you have been injured on the job, you are protected by the Illinois Worker's Compensation Act and may be entitled to benefits.

Worker's Compensation Benefits:    Personal Injury Benefits: 

Temporary total disability
Vocational rehabilitation
Compensation for permanency

Lost time
Pain and suffering
Property damage

Work related accidents can result from any type of employment. Construction jobs and ultra hazardous activities can cause the most serious of injuries, such as herniated discs requiring surgery, or crushed limbs. However, office workers are just as susceptible to develop a work related medical condition such as carpal tunnel syndrome, which comes from repetitive motions such as typing. Even some mental conditions developed at work may be compensable.

Any Illinois employee who is injured in the course of his/her employment and covered by the Worker's Compensation Act is entitled to medical benefits paid for by the employer. He/she may also be entitled to compensation while he/she is unable to work, known as Temporary Total Disability payments (2/3 of Average Weekly Wage, tax free). Once a person has been discharged from medical care, there often is some type of residual permanent disability for which the injured employee may be entitled to additional compensation.

If you have, or someone you know has been injured on the job, we can help to obtain the maximum recovery allowed under the law!

The longer you wait, the longer your rights may be jeopardized.